What Cat Foods Do Not Contain Beef?

While it used to be common for cat lovers to share snacks with their kitties, new information has curbed this practice. There are many human foods that are dangerous and even poisonous to cats. This has discouraged most people who are aware of this fact from giving their kitties any of the foods that they regularly eat. There is good news for pet parents who would like to spoil their cats and offer them human foods that are both tasty and safe for cats to eat. There are several food items that are not only safe for feline consumption, but they're also good for them. Here are 20 human foods that are okay to feed cats.


Salmon is a healthy food for people because it provides a lean source of protein and it is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for the body. The good news is that Salmon is also just as healthy for cats. Most cats love the taste and it's a nutritious treat that you can freely share with your beloved cat and feel good about. Many commercial cat foods do contain salmon because it's a healthy addition to a balanced meal. There are just a few safeguards that you need to take first. Make sure that the salmon is fully cooked because raw fish could make your cat sick. It could contain parasites or harmful bacteria that cooked salmon does not. Also, make sure that all of the bones have been removed before feeding to your cat. Small bones can become lodged in the throat and present a choking hazard. Salmon is a rich food and you should limit the portions that you feed your kitty so he doesn't get sick from overindulgence.


Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that is chock full of minerals and vitamins. Just as it's healthy for humans, it also offers the same benefits for cats with no health risks. It contains vitamins K, C and A as well as calcium. The only time that spinach could be harmful to your cat is if it has a history of calcium oxalate bladder stones. If this is the case, take spinach off the menu, but if not, feed freely. One idea that may work to entice your cat to eat spinach, is to add it to scrambled eggs. This is a treat for humans as much as it is for kitties. It's one way of introducing spinach as a new food, with something that your cat is more likely to eat. Once he develops a taste for the spinach, he may eat it without the need for masking.


Eggs are a good source of protein for cats. They also contain B vitamins. There are no worries when it comes to feeding your kitty cooked eggs, but you should never allow them to eat raw eggs. This is because certain food borne diseases may be lurking beneath the shells of raw eggs. Cats can get sick from raw foods just as easily as people can. You can feel safe about combining eggs with cheese, if that's the way that you like to eat them, and offering to share a few bites with your kitty. As long as you don't incorporate any garlic or onions, you can share a small omelette with your cat and it will be perfectly safe. We must warn you, that this could turn your cat into a beggar who regularly haunts you at mealtimes.


Cats are by nature meat eaters and in order to be healthy, they require diets that are high in protein that is made up of a high percentage of meat. Cats not only love the taste of chicken, it's a safe and healthy form of protein that their bodies require. It's fine to give your cats chicken meat, but it should always be cooked first. The bones must also be removed because they can splinter easily and either become lodged in the throat, or cause damage to the digestive tract from the sharp splinters. It's also best to avoid giving your cat chicken that has been covered in hot spicy sauces because these additions are not healthy for him to eat. You should also remove the skin and any fat from the meat before feeding it to your cat. Chicken fat is not a healthy fat for cats or people. Chicken is another popular ingredient that is added to healthy cat food formulas.


It might seem like an odd snack for a cat, but bananas are a safe snack that you can share with your kitty. Bananas are high in soluble fiber, which is the one type of fiber that cats can digest, and they contain potassium, which is as good for cats as it is for people. Just don't overdo it on the banana snacks or your cat may begin to gain more weight than he should. Eating too many banana snacks can result in an overload of calories quickly, especially if your cat really loves them and he's a good beggar.


Oatmeal is another human food that is mutually beneficial for humans and cats. It's full of B vitamins and it provides an excellent source of fast energy for your pet. Oatmeal is another ingredient that is commonly used in cat food formulations that are sold commercially. It's perfectly safe for your cat to eat, but you may want to introduce it slowly, giving your cat time to get used to it. Not all cats like oatmeal, but some love it. Just make sure that you don't give your cat too many oatmeal snacks because when overdone, it can become fattening. If your cat has a taste for fruit or berries, you can also combine them with the oatmeal for a super nutritious snack that offers even more health benefits.


Pumpkin is another yellow food that is good for people and cats. It's high in fiber and low in calories. It makes an excellent nutritious snack for cats that is perfectly safe for them to eat. Avoid giving cats pumpkin treats that contain large amounts of salt or sugar, such as baked goods, because sugar and salt are not healthy additives or your cat or any other animal for that matter. The pumpkin that you offer your kitty should be fully cooked, and it may be more palatable if it is also mashed.


Cheese is a healthy snack choice for both humans and cats, that is provided neither are lactose intolerant. It is a dairy product, but some ard cheeses including Swiss, Gouda or cheddar are great sources of protein and calcium. This is one human food that you can safely feed to your cat in a raw state. It can also be baked into healthy treats. Just be careful to only feed your cat small amounts of cheese, because you never know when your cat may develop gastric issues from eating too much. Because too much dairy is not good for your cat, it may be a better idea to offer your kitty low fat or skim cheese. These are healthier options that are much lower in calories.


Bread is another food that is safe to give to cats. As long as it is fully baked and does not contain yeast in a raw state, it is healthy for your cat. It offers fiber and protein nutrients. It's perfectly fine to give your cat a small serving of bread products now and then, but it is high in calories, so it's not a good idea to overdo it. The reason that you should never give your cat raw bread dough is because the yeast must be baked in order to kill the rising action. Raw dough can continue to rise in the stomach and digestive tract, leading to potentially serious or lethal consequences. When it comes to the nutritional value o bread, the best choices are whole grains versus plain white bread. Avoid giving kitty any french breads that have been prepared with garlic or garlic butter, or any type of buns that have onions in them. Garlic and onions are very unhealthy human foods for kitty consumption.


Apples are a fruit that is safe for cats to eat, as long as it is just the flesh or the apple, and not the seeds. Apples are good sources of vitamin C and fiber. You should also remove the skin before feeding your cat apples. Some cooked apples are fine, but again, if the apples are highly seasoned or spiced, you should hold off on sharing with your cat because some spices can make your cat sick. Just stick with the plain flesh whenever you share. This is a good rule of thumb to observe with all human snacks you feed to your cat. You should only give your kitty small servings of apple, though. Also resist the temptation to let your cat eat apples that have been soaked in caramel sauce, because the sugar content is so high, it is not healthy for feline consumption.


Blueberries are known as a super food for people because they are high in vitamin A and C. They are also full of antioxidants which help to boost the immune system and help defend against sickness and disease. Some cat food manufacturers are already incorporating the berries into their premium cat food diets because of the health benefits for felines. It's always a good idea to offer your kitty foods that offer superior health benefits over those that are more tasty than anything else. Experts recommend that you limit the total number of calories in snack form that you allow your cat to eat, to 20 per day. In the case of blueberries, this would be twenty five of them. two teaspoons of cooked chicken or salmon is also 20 calories. You can mix and match the different snack foods until you reach this threshold.


Peas are another human food that is also safe and nutritious for cats to eat. If you enjoy eating fresh peas out of the pod, feel free to share them with your kitty. They're loaded with vitamin A, C and are also high in healthy fiber. Peas are another human food that is incorporated into some commercial cat foods. You can feed your cat either fresh or raw peas, which are healthier than the canned version. You can even combine peas with salmon or chicken if your cat isn't particularly fond of eating them by themselves. In addition to giving your cat fresh peas, they may also safely eat lentils, which are in the same family as peas, or chick peas. Although they are less likely to enjoy these than they are peas, some cats will eat almost anything that is being offered to them.


Turkey is a lean protein that makes a wonderful snack for your kitty. You can use cooked turkey breast or the sliced deli meat variety. These are all kitty safe snacks. Some premium cat foods contain turkey meat as a protein source. It's very important that you remove the skin, bones and fat from a freshly roasted turkey before feeding these to your cat. The bones may splinted and become a health hazard. The fat from a turkey is no safer for cats to eat than it is for people. A good rule to follow is to not feed your cat anything that you wouldn't eat yourself. That is, if you follow a healthy diet plan yourself. There are other parts of the turkey that are also good for your cat to eat. Organ meats including the heart, liver and gizzard offer excellent nutritional value, as long as they are fully cooked prior to serving. It's always a good idea to start out slowly and give your cat small portions of any new food, even if it is healthy and nutritious. If it's something that they are not used to eating, it may cause a bit of stomach upset if they eat too much at once. Moderation is the key.

Fresh Vegetables

If you're sitting down to enjoy a healthy snack of fresh vegetables, don't hesitate to share them with your kitty. Fresh veggies are nutritious snacks for cats as well as for people. They contain fiber, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for felines. They are known to help in the promotion of good digestive health for cats and this is one of the reasons why most dog food manufacturers include them as a part of the commercial formulation, most often in dried form and incorporated into kibbles. As with any food, you should give your cat only small portions of fresh veggies and they should be washed thoroughly, prior to serving, just as you would before feeding them to a person. Some of the better veggie choices for cats include, green beans, winter squash, chopped greens, broccoli carrots or asparagus. It's fine to steam any of these veggies so they are easier to chew and swallow. If your cat isn't interested, don't force him. Many cats don't like to eat vegetables by themselves, but some cats do.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are another human food that you can share with your cat. These are snacks that most cats actually do enjoy eating. Some good choices are polenta, corn and ground cornmeal. For some reason, cats seem to like the texture of cornmeal when it has been coarsely ground. In addition to these, you can also offer your cat barley, brown rice or wheat berries. Whole wheat bread is also a good choice. Brown rice contains more nutrients than white rice, so it's a better choice. Many cats also like eating couscous or millet. It's important to cook the grains before you feed them to your cat. This will help him to be able to digest them better. Sometimes it helps if you mash the cooked grains before offering them to your kitty. Keep the portions small, because cats are not able to digest large portions of whole grains very well as they need a diet that is mostly protein from meat products.

Cooked Beef

Beef is another ingredient that is commonly used in commercial cat food. It is a good source of protein, iron, fiber and vitamins and minerals. Beef should always be cooked and never fed to your cat in its raw state. Also, make sure that you trim away all fat and gristle. Leaner cuts are better than the more fatty ones and the meat should be cut into small pieces so they are easier to chew. You should also make sure that all the bones are removed from the meat before offering to your kitty. Beef bones were once a popular choice for both dog and cat treats, but they also have the potential for splintering and becoming sharp, or causing a choking hazard. Also, avoid giving your kitty beef that has been heavily spiced or highly seasoned because some spices or sauces are not good or your cat. Stick with the plain meat whenever possible.

Fresh Fruits

There are many cats who will not eat fresh fruit, but there are some who will, and it is a very healthy snack for them. The cats who chew on the plants that you have in your house are the ones that are the most likely to give fruit a try. You could use fruit as a distraction from the plants as a redirection strategy. Any type of fruit or melon should have all seeds and skin removed first. Only give them small amounts though. It's important to remember that even though this type of food does have nutritional value for cats, they are by nature carnivores and their bodies are not designed to process larger amounts of vegetables, fruits, berries or melons at one setting.

Meat-based baby food

Meat based baby foods are healthy and tasty snacks that most cats truly enjoy eating. In addition to being a healthy treat for your cat, they are also an excellent disguise for any medications that your cat may resist taking alone. They are also a good option when your cat has been sick and is recovering from an illness or if their appetite isn't as strong as it should be. Cats who have recently had oral surgery or a tooth removed may also benefit from eating meat based baby food. Before feeding to your cat, check the label carefully and make sure that the type of baby food that you choose does not contain any garlic or onions. These may be harmful to cats, causing anemia which over time can become dangerous or even fatal in some extreme cases. This should only be used when needed or as an occasional treat, and not a regular part of your cat's diet. As with most human foods that are safe for cats, moderation is the key.

Fish Oils

It is common information that fish oils are healthy for people and animals, and this includes cats. You can give your cat a variety of fish oils including cod liver oil or salmon oil. The benefits of fish oils are a dose of essential Omega 3s and the prevention of dry skin during the winter months. It will enhance the health of your cat's coat as well. Fish oils can be added to any type of food that your cat regularly eats including his cat food, or snacks that you share with him.


Cantaloupe is a healthy yellow fleshed melon that is filled with beta carotene which is good for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. It also contains large amounts of antioxidants which help to boost the immune system and protect the body from illness and disease. When you're enjoying a bowl of cantaloupe chunks and your kitty comes begging, don't hesitate to offer him a piece. It's a good idea to cut the cantaloupe into small pieces that are easy for your kitty to chew and swallow.


Source: https://kittentoob.com/20-human-foods-perfectly-safe-feed-cats/

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